
Michelle N. Tran - Founder and CEO
Ms. Tran is the founder of Mstudio1202 Group. She is responsible for the company's strategic direction and the firm's overall vision, project management and overall product strategy. Michelle has over 10 years of experience with the development of various media solutions for corporate, commercial and entertainment industries. She has an extensive knowledge and background in Business commercial development, and Multimedia. Her love for entertainment industry has her working 24/7 lifestyle is a badge of honor in the new economy. Ms. Tran became a pioneer in the development of new communications technologies, including Internet video transmission and compression technologies.

Eric Sun, Ph.D - CIO and Sr. project Management
Eric Sun is currently the President of Quality Systems Laboratories. Eric has over 10 years of experience with enforcing, operating, and examining healthcare product manufacturers. With a doctorate in Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, he served in the US Surgeon General's Office and the Food & Drug Administration as a field investigator in the early part of his career. After civil service, Eric worked for companies such as Allergan, Pharmacia & Upjohn, and Johnson & Johnson in regulatory and quality departments. Eric has taken his experiences with FDA and industry and distilled those important lessons to key essential points to help guide his client organizations. His clients have benefited by receiving quicker FDA approvals, more efficient internal quality program operations, better trained staff and improved management visibility to quality indicators and subsequent reduction of risks to the company.

Damon Chua - Senior Business Affairs and consulting Director
Damon has over 10 years of work experience in the media and finance industries. He is currently a consultant and advisor to companies in the media and entertainment space, helping founders and management teams create strategic visions for their businesses and crafting business plans to fund their operations. Clients have included Ifilm, Bertelsmann Ventures, The dotTV Corporation International, Jettone Films, Obscura Digital and Vacant Films. Prior to striking out on his own, Damon worked in various international finance and corporate development positions with the likes of Credit Suisse First Boston, Lehman Brothers, The Television Corporation of Singapore and BMG Music.

Damon is also a published poet and playwright, having had eight of his plays professionally produced in his native Singapore, as well as London and Boston. He is a Fulbright nominee in dramatic writing, and has represented Singapore on various international cultural events including the ASEAN Poetry Festival in Malaysia in 1995. Damon has also served as a producer of independent feature films including the first digital full-length feature shot in Southeast Asia - Return to Pontianak, which received theatrical distribution in this country in 2001. He earned his MBA from Stanford University and has a Masters in Law with Honors from the University of Oxford.

TODD BRUNELLE - Director & Animation
Todd B. has consistently remained at the forefront of content development and technological innovation. As pioneer of HDTV and digital compositing, he was recruited as a consultant for the IMAX film corporation. His accomplishments as a director / designer include winning a Network Television EMMY Award for his work on Fox Television's Front Page. He most recently won the 'Cine-Eagle old'/'Audience Award' for the Santa Monica Film Festival as well as 11 other awards for his PBS documentary. In 2001 he directed and designed an award winning digital IMAX movie for Cisco Systems. He is currently nominated for a Cleo for a Petersen Automotive Commercial he designed and directed.
Having won countless awards and film festivals, Todd's cutting-edge talents have resulted in being one of the more sought after talents in Film,Television and New Media. He has video art pieces shown at several museums including The Museum of Modern Art (New York) and the Long Beach Museum of Art. A native of Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, Todd has a dual MFA degree in directing /animation of Film and Television.
AWARDS *EMMY - 1993 Cine Golden Eagle - 1999 Big Muddy Film Festival - Gold - 1999 SLO Festival - Gold - 1999 Film &Video Magazine - Top 100 Producers - 1997 Tele Award - 1997 National Board of Education - Interactive Video of the Year - 1994 Motion Picture Assoc. of America Award - 1992 Hollywood Radio and TV Fellowship Award - 1991 AFI Festival New Media Award - 1990** Museum of Modern Art collection - 1990**

STEVE ACKERMAN - Writer and Director of Photography
I have spent over twenty years in the industry, the last 14 as a DP. During that fourteen year period I have shot over 150 commercials, 40 industrials, 30 music videos, 9 short films and three features. My commercial resume includes products such as Yamaha, Texaco, Polaroid, Southern Bell, Prudential, Jansport, Michelin, Black & Decker, Vaseline, Toyota, Ford, U.S Postal Services, Budweiser and many more. I have had the Pleasure of working all over the globe, combining skills with local crews in several countries.
One of my short films, DOWN ON THE WATERFRONT, was nominated for an Academy Award. I recently completed another short film in 16MM titled the DISAPPEARED which is already garnering considerable attention and should be a standout in the next round of festivals.
I am experienced in 35MM, 16MM, BETA, HDTV and Digital. Michelle Tran and I have had a wonderful working relationship for over eight years now. We have done a number of projects together, including numerous of Music Videos, commercials, and video training of which I am very proud. We collaborate very well together and have developed great respect for each other.

Chris Cheng - Sales & Marketing Director
Chris Cheng has an extensive background in leadership, and managing sales and marketing efforts for growing companies. As Sales & Marketing Director, Chris is responsible for all aspects of product and corporate marketing, including product strategy, branding, channel marketing, and public relations. He brings over 10 years of high-tech marketing and business management experience gained at leading technology companies. Mr. Cheng spent over ten years at Publishers companies, serving in numerous roles in magazine, merchandise and interactive marketing. As an International Marketing Manager for ATC communications, he was responsible for Europe, Asia and Canada. Mr. Cheng holds a double degree from the University of Arizona in Business and Communications.

Bobby Tran - Chief Technology Officer
Computers and technology are a keen interest of Mr. Tran. He was fortunate enough to be exposed to computers at a young age. With experiences in the IT field, he oversees the Centers of Excellence, Product Development, and the MIS organization. The Centers of Excellence keep abreast of trends and technology breakthroughs to provide focused solutions sets that deliver the greatest impact for our customers. We are proud to have him as part of Mstudio1202. Prior to his IT experiences, Mr. Tran spent most of his free time for a higher education in a Computer Engineering degree.

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